Little Black Book

Black Book

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Resource Guide for Women Across South Africa in order to empower women! The book is made freely available to corporations who provide printing sponsorship. More than 8 700 copies have been distributed.


In a country where women play a significant role in their communities and are often the decision-makers in their families, information is vital. The Women’s Unit is committed to providing women with reliable, relevant and accessible information so that they can make informed decisions. Accordingly, one of the highlights for the Women’s Unit was the publication of a resource guide for vulnerable women in South Africa in March 2017.

The guide features crucial information about health, education and economic empowerment issues, as well as social and legal know-how. It provides women, family workers and unpaid care workers with information to enable them to make informed decisions, seek services, and guide them in emergencies.

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To date, more than 8700 books have been donated to public libraries, schools, health centres, media, churches and teachers.


The Foundation has partnered with public and private institutions to ensure that women at all levels, both in rural and urban regions, are able to access the book easily. The book is available to corporations who provide sponsorships and donations to women organisations and institutions.

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Going forward, the book will be:

  • Reviewed and updated every second year.
  • Digitised
